All Rights Reserved, Copyright 2010-2040 WWW. BabuKishan.ORG New Book to be released in 2019, the history and roots of Baul of Birbhum Bengal India. This is the 4th book for Babu Kishan

Friday, August 31, 2012

Nabani Das Khyapa Baul with Baby Babu Kishan whom he named Krishnendu/ picture 1963 Suri Birbhum W Bengal India. Guru and Eldest Grandson.

Indigenous Baul fraud, Indigenous Baul identity theft.

Nabani Das Khyapa Baul named Babu Kishan / Krishnendu, he is the Grandfather whom Babu called Boro Baba. He is the only father Babu knew as his father until Boro Baba his Guru passed away in 1969 that is when Babu went to live with his birth parents in Calcutta Purna Das Baul and Manju Das and his 2 brothers. 

It was traumatic for little Krishnendu at the time fitting into his Calcutta family. As he had bonded and only knew Brajabala Dasi as his Ma and Nabani as his Boro Baba along with Laxshman Das Baul and his family, Raharani and Gopal Das Baul and Chakradhar Das Baul as his family.

The little boy with the brown hair is Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das, he is on the right sitting on Nabani Das Khyapa Bauls lap. This is probably 1964. 

You can see Brajabala sitting behind Nabani. she is Babu Kishan's grandmother Guru who raised Babu until Nabani passed away in 1969.

 Babu Kishan is Nabani Das Khyapa Bauls first Grandson and once he was born Nabani stayed home, he had been ill and had wandered most of his life as a Sadhu all over India, Nepal and Tibet.

 He had promised Brajabala that he would stay close by and he considered Babu as his little Krishna they were inseparable.

You can see Babu Kishan or as Nabani had named him Krishnendu and called him Prem, you can see his one foot still crooked. 

Thank Goddess for his Grandparents because his birth parents thought he was not going to live, they left him and returned to Calcutta but he did live, thrive and had the best Guru anyone could be born into. 

This was a huge blessing for Babu Kishan and what one would call Punya.

Nabani Das Baul sitting.. Purna Das singing and Sudha playing the Dotara.1954.

Nabani Das Baul 1954 Photo by Richard Lannoy in Suri Birbhum W Bengal

Old Picture of Nabani Das Baul by Richard Lannoy 1954 in Suri Birbhum W Bengal.

This photo is to all those who think Baul is simple or is not about YOGA.. 

Nabani Das Khyeppa Baul was a Master of Yoga & Tantra he was an adept and Avadhuta @ Tarapith which today is not even close to how it used to taken by Richard Lannoy in 1954... Suri Birbhum W Bengal India. Nabani Das was the Baul inspired Rabindranath Targore and whom Tagore Named Kheppa and Nabani named Tagore Ravi Das...